Find below a selection of pictures and a list of many fancy dress and costume ideas for the theme “Animals” ordered alphabetically !
Photos of fancy dress and costumes for the theme “Animals”

List of fancy dress and costume ideas for the theme “Animals”
Fancy dress of Animals starting with letter A
- Albatross
- Alligator
- American pika
- Anaconda
- Anteater
- Antelope
- Ants
- Auk
Fancy dress of Animals starting with letter B
- Baboon
- Badger
- Barracuda
- Bat
- Bear
- Beaver
- Bee
- Beef
- Beetle
- Bird
- Bison
- Black widow (spider)
- Blackbird
- Boar
- Buffalo
- Bumblebee
- Bunny
- Butterfly (Adult)
- Butterfly (Kid)
- Buzzard
Fancy dress of Animals starting with letter C
- Camel
- Canary
- Caribou
- Carp
- Cat
- Chameleon
- Chamois
- Cheetah
- Chicken
- Chimpanzee
- Chinchilla
- Cicada
- Cockroach
- Cod
- Coquille st jacques
- Cormorant
- Cow
- Coyote
- Crab
- Crane
- Crayfish
- Cricket
- Crocodile
- Cuckoo
Fancy dress of Animals starting with letter D
Fancy dress of Animals starting with letter E
Fancy dress of Animals starting with letter F
- Falcon
- Fawn
- Fennec
- Ferret
- Fieldmouse
- Firefly
- Fish
- Flamingo
- Fox
- Fox terrier
- Frigate
- Frog
Fancy dress of Animals starting with letter G
- Ganges gharial
- Gannet (bird)
- Gazelle
- Gerbil
- Gibbon
- Giraffe
- Gnu
- Goat
- Goose
- Gorilla
- Grasshoppers
- Grass-snake
- Grizzly
Fancy dress of Animals starting with letter H
- Hamster
- Hare
- Harpy
- Hedgehog
- Hermit crabs
- Heron
- Hippopotamus
- Hippotragus
- Hornet
- Horse
- Humming-bird
- Hyena
Fancy dress of Animals starting with letter I
- Ibex
- Ibis
- Iguana
- Impala
Fancy dress of Animals starting with letter J
Fancy dress of Animals starting with letter K
Fancy dress of Animals starting with letter L
Fancy dress of Animals starting with letter M
- Macaque
- Mackerel
- Mammoth
- Mare
- Marmot
- Marten
- Merino (sheep)
- Microbe
- Mink
- Mole
- Mongoose
- Monkey
- Moose alces (elan)
- Moray
- Mouflon
- Mouse
- Mule
- Mustang (horse)
- Mygale
Fancy dress of Animals starting with letter N
- Narwhal (Fish)
- Noctule (bat)
Fancy dress of Animals starting with letter O
- Ocelot (leopard)
- Octopus
- Orangutan
- Oryx
- Ostrich
- Otter
- Owl
- Oyster
Fancy dress of Animals starting with letter P
- Panda
- Panther
- Parakeet
- Parrot
- Pelican
- Penguin
- Pheasant
- Pig
- Pigeon
- Pika
- Pike
- Piranha
- Platypus
- Polecat
- Porcupine
- Pork
- Porpoise
- Proboscis monkey
- Puma
- Python
Fancy dress of Animals starting with letter Q & R
Fancy dress of Animals starting with letter S
- Sable
- Salamander
- Salmon
- Sardine
- Sea horse
- Sea lamprey
- Sea lion
- Seagull
- Seal
- Shark
- Sheep
- Shrimp
- Sloth
- Slug
- Snail
- Snake
- Snowy
- Sow
- Sparrow
- Sperm whale
- Spider
- Squid
- Squirrel
- Starfish
- Stork
- Sturgeon
- Swallow
- Swan
- Swift
- Swordfish
Fancy dress of Animals starting with letter T
Fancy dress of Animals starting with letter U & V
- Vampire (bat)
- Varan
- Viper
- Vulture
Fancy dress of Animals starting with letter W X Y & Z
- Wallaby
- Walrus
- Warbler
- Warthog
- Wasp
- Weasel
- West indian manatee
- Whale
- Wolf
- Wombat
- Worm
- Yack
- Zebra
- Zebu
- Zorille